CS 4043 - Formal Languages

Instructor: Andrew L. Mackey
Meeting Times: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 11:00 - 12:15 pm
Tuesdays/Thursdays at 6:50 - 8:05 pm
Location: Baldor 147
Graduate Assistant: Adrian Cuevas
Lab Times: TBD

Course Overview

This course introduces fundamental concepts in automata theory and formal languages. Topics include finite automata, pushdown automata, regular expressions, grammars, formal languages, context-free languages, Turing machines, and Church’s thesis. The course also presents applications of these models to algorithms, complexity theory, and compiler design.


Students are required to have a prior background in object-oriented programming languages (e.g. Java, C++, etc.), working knowledge of data structures, and discrete mathematics.

Required Courses:   CS 2003 - Data Structures and MATH 2443 - Discrete Mathematics I


The follow represents a tentative schedule of topics.

Week Topic Notes
1 Course Introduction Quick Review of Sets, Functions, Quantifiers, and Logic
2 Regular Languages, DFA, and NFA  
3 Regular Expressions, GNFA, Equivalence, Minimization  
4 Non-regular Languages  
5 Context Free Languages and Grammar  
6 CNF and Pushdown Automata  
7 Non-context-free Languages  
8 Decidable Languages and Turing Machines  
9 Decidable Languages and Turing Machines (cont.)  
10 Computability Theory  
11 Undecidable Problems and Reduction  
12 Undecidable Problems and Reduction (cont.)  
13 Complexity Theory  
14 Complexity Theory (cont.)  
15 Complexity Theory (cont.)  
16 Final Examination  

Course Areas

Major Course Topics

Assigned Reading

The following textbook is assigned to this course:


The following resources are available for students to use.

Lab Work

Review the course website for more information